Friday, November 18, 2011

I love the Fall Season....

Fall is my favorite season......the changes in the air, smells and deep earthy colors and the distinct urge to bake!!! It must be the spices and flavors that are more promenent at this time of year that bring on that urgent feeling to get busy making holiday gifts and baking delicious treats.
My husband likes to "cook", actual meals with meat and I am the baker, not that he can't whip up an awesome pie crust! But I like baking different flavored breads...zucchini, banana, pumpkin...and fresh homemade rolls..ummmmm...what could be better.
Candy is another of my favorite things to make. That is another tradition taught to me by my Grandmother. She didn't have fancy equipment and rarely used any type of measurement and things always turned out.       I remember making taffy with her..she wouldn't let me anywhere near the boiling sugar mixture..but when she had it out of the pan and cooling down on the kitchen table, we both shared the responsibility of making it into shiny taffy. We would coat our hands in "gobs" of margarine so the candy wouldn't stick to us, and begin stretching and pulling over and over, passing the hand fulls of warm sugar candy back and forth and constantly stretching it. When it was at a certain shining texture we would begin to snip it into small bits with her kitchen shears. She would let me have the first piece, or so I thought. She somehow managed to sneak the first piece into her mouth and we would laugh so hard. I couldn't say anything due to the taffy sticking to my teeth, so we would laugh even harder!!! What wonderful memories!!!
From my Mother I learned to make Divinity, one of my favorite candies. She taught me to be patient and precise in the making of this heavenly treat and I believe it was also a life lesson.
Wow, I am so into the holiday cooking season now. I think I will whip up something with cinnamon in it........

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

From Heart to Hands Hats..for those who need them to keep warm.

I love to crochet! My Grandmother taught me when I was a child.
She spent many hours teaching me how to hold the crochet hook, or 'needle' as she called it, and how to wind the thread around my fingers in order to control the tension. I would practice and rip it out and practice again and rip it out. Over and over she had me working on small pieces until it would come out flat and not cupped. I know it was probably frustrating to her, she was a little "high strung" but she continued until I had the knack.
I now realize the feeling of teaching someone to crochet. The repetition, the specifics of what you are making and the inate since of peace you can attain while 'making something'.
I have taught all three of my children and now have 3 grandchildren to reach out to. I realize now that I won't be frustrated at all teaching them. It will be a bond between us just as the bond between myself and my grandmother.

I want to reach out to others in need who are in the cold. I want to make hats for those who need them. I have already been using Grandmothers gift to make hats. Now I want to start making a scarf to go with each hat. And add a little blessing inside each one, just like I have been blessed.

Stay warm and God Bless.

LadyPup is teething!

Well, our puppy, Lady was not eating at all for 2 days. I was thinking the worst..Parvo...?? I was trying to hand feed her and force water down her throat but it wasn't working.
Dean held her while I looked in her mouth and throat to see if there was an obstruction, you know how puppies are, chewing and eating everything they should not. I didn't see anything major, but I did notice some of her front teeth were missing. Her baby teeth were falling out and she is getting new ones. Teething!!!
I should have known! I raised 3 children and have experienced our Grandchildren teething.
Anyway, I did put some teething gel on her teeth and gums and she is back to normal.
Now I just have to get all of my shoes put back up high, shes already discovered they make good teething toys.!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Trying To Find Work At Home

Ok, I know it is possible to stay at home, work on your computer and also make a nice income. I just can't figure out what to do and how to do it. I am working on some crafts to sell, but I would like to come up with something using my words and work to make extra money. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Welcome to my house...

Welcome..I am happy you have stopped by for a moment. I am in the process of getting set up and soon I will be here quite often to give snipets of my life and things I understand. I hope you will stop by soon.